Four ingredients easy apple cobbler


easy apple cobbler

When apples look like this it’s time to waste them, right?

withered apple

It’s time to make a mouth-drooling, sugar bombed, decadent, and easy apple cobbler.
And don’t tell me it’s too much effort. Preparation time for this dessert is not more than 5 minutes. If you add 15-20 minutes in the oven, you will have an irresistible dessert in less than 25 minutes.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

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Easy sourdough rye bread recipe



It’s about time I bake something with more rye, don’t you think? Most of the bread you find among the recipes on this blog contains mainly wheat flour.
For some strange reason, wheat flour seems to have a higher “status” than rye when it comes to baking. Besides, it is good for your health if you replace some wheat with rye
Despite that, bread baked with wheat flour seems to have a leading position on blogs (mine included), sourdough forums, and Facebook groups.
It’s weird because one of the most important reasons for baking with sourdough starter is that you get bread that tastes more.
I think you’ll agree with me when I say that sourdough rye bread tastes more than wheat. Still, most people seem to favor wheat bread.

Why is that?

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Easy stew recipe with moose or beef meat

easy stew recipe

I got a piece of frozen meat from my mom. She rents out the hunting rights on her property every year and therefore receives a lot of meat.
“Perhaps you can do something with it,” she said doubtfully. When I had thawed and inspected it, I understood why.

It consisted mostly of bones.

I suspect that it was a piece of the ribs, probably from a moose, that nobody wanted. But throwing it away was out of the question ( remember that I’m a fundamentalist about avoiding food waste).
I cut off as much meat as possible from the bones. It was not that bad. If I made a stew, it was at least enough for a meal for the whole family.
I was about to throw away the bones when I realized that I had a small treasure in my hands. I mean, why not add the bones to the pot and let them boil together with all the other ingredients. You can make stock from bones, so whats the difference. I might not have to add any stock at all. This was something I just had to try. So I invented my own easy stew recipe.

moose meat

I started by browning the meat in batches in a skillet. After that, it was time for the onion. Finally, I put the bones in the skillet. I remember that I have read that you should always sear the bones before you boil them when making stock.

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