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This post will be a short one. I just wanted to announce that I have published my recipes at Yummly for a while now.
For those who don’t know, Yummly is a food sharing site where everyone can organize recipes they find on the net.
It’s similar to Pinterest but more organized, and it only includes food recipes.
You can save recipes from both Yummly and other blogs with one click. Learn more here.
You can also install a Yummly bookmarklet on your toolbar in case you find a recipe online and there is no yum button available.
I have a publishing page and I’m working on getting all my recipes published. You can find the yum button together with the other share buttons.
I hope to see you over there.

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40 Sourdough baking terms explained


The first time I heard the word autolyse, I thought it described some experiment taking place in a laboratory. I was new to sourdough baking and therefore had not learned all the sometimes weird baking terms that flourish in sourdough baking communities. You can imagine how confused I was when I read about amylases.
I mean seriously. Are we making bread or what? Amylases sound like some unwanted additive you can find in some food products.

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Avocado with kale pesto grilled cheese sandwich

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avocado and kale pesto grilled cheese sandwich


There are three reasons I like this grilled cheese sandwich.

  1. It can reduce your food waste.
  2. It’s healthy.
  3. It tastes just great.

All of us who bake bread regularly knows it’s hard to eat everything while it’s still fresh. The sourdough bread can taste great for 2-3 days, but after that, it becomes boring.
Now, there are lots of things you can do with stale sourdough bread, like bread crumbs, croutons, and much more. But making a toasted sandwich is also an excellent choice.
You can’t use bone dry bread, but a one or two-day-old pice of loaf works fine.

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