Apple filled puff pastry dessert

Apple filled puff pastry dessert

Last week I wrote about how to make puff pastry on a discarded sourdough starter that was very popular.
Some of you have asked for recipes where you can use puff pastry, so this week I thought it would be appropriate to write about just that.

Apple filled puff pastry dessert

Just like the puff pastry, I will keep this recipe simple.
That means few ingredients, and it is quick and easy to do.
So, this recipe only contains four ingredients except for the puff pastry you have already made.
Apple, sour cream, muscovado sugar, and one egg.
The preparation time for this dessert is less than 10 minutes. After 15-20 minutes in the oven, you will have a mouthwatering, flaky dream that looks and tastes like it was made by a pastry pro. Serve it with some ice cream or vanilla sauce (or both), and it will become irresistible.
But beware. I advise you to keep it for yourself. Otherwise, there is a risk that friends, relatives, and all sorts of people you have never seen before will come to your kitchen in crowds, eating all they can see and making a mess of everything.

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